Monday, September 8, 2008

JOURNAL WRITING: my favourites advertisements

The Petronas advertisement for the festive season is touching. It is one of my favourites. It told about a single mother who have seven sons. It was already close to Hari Raya. The mother told all her sons to get the beef and the entire cow’s part but neither of his sons do that. The mother was so sad that her sons can’t even help him although there were seven of them. Realize their mistakes, they quickly rush off to the market, to the town but all of the beef were sold out. They are all gave up but then, they saw a cow that brought by a Singh boy. They decided to bring that cow to their beloved mother. At the end, they have made their mother touched. They were trying so hard just to make their mother happy celebrating Raya. I really like this ad because it really shows the love between the sons and a mother.

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